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Point-to-Point Radios

The RADWIN 2000 portfolio offers sub-6 GHz licensed and unlicensed wireless broadband solutions that deliver up to 750 Mbps.

RADWIN 2000 solutions are geared for carrier and vertical markets that require high capacity backhaul and reliable access connectivity.

RADWIN 2000 products incorporate a unique air-Interface to ensure robust link performance as well as high link capacity in adverse conditions such as high interference and near/ non line-of-sight scenarios. The air-interface is based on OFDM and MIMO technologies and incorporates unique features such as MIMO/ Diversity auto selection, fast ARQ (Auto Reply upon Request) and dynamic channel bandwidth selection. The RADWIN 2000 PtP series supports collocation of multiple radios on the same tower using GPS synchronization, thus guaranteeing optimal utilization of valuable spectrum and tower space.

RADWIN 2000 units are compact and simple to install and maintain. The products comply with worldwide regulations and standards and are deployed globally in access and backhaul applications by leading carriers, service providers and public and private networks requiring high-capacity connectivity.